Thursday, January 31, 2008

Don't drink the water!

Didn't know this one. Apparently, you shouldn't drink or cook in hot water. It's not a big risk, but it is something to ponder...

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

A day in the life of an economist with non economic kids

This is a great story. One man who tries to do the right thing, but takes a little time to determine what the right thing is. Great read for economists. And non economists, if you understand about happiness and utility. Which most people do, even if they think they don't.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

The Definition of Zoomie

I've known this for a while, but I've never really looked into the official definition of Zoomie...

Friday, January 04, 2008

Teasing out the Efficient Market Hypothesis

The media profits from selling stuff: newspapers, magazines, and airtime for ads. It seems that the efficient market hypothesis (EMH) has been shelved by the media mostly. We still get the top mutual funds and other crap that is based on past performance, even though, the print in the mutual fund prospectuses clearly state: "Past Performance is no guarantee of future results."

The responsibility to point out the effects of the EMH often fall on academics, like todays post over at Greg Mankiw's blog; he gets bonus points by pointing out the effect in a WSJ article, which curiously, fails to talk about what the results mean.